Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This is Where I Just Came Back From!
My family flew to Puerto Rico, where we boarded a Royal Caribbean ship and headed out to Tortula, Antigua, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, and Grenada! It was HOT and I came back with a very sunburned forehead (which is now peeling), but the scenery was absolutely breathtaking! We had a fabulous trip and I immensely enjoyed the time spent with my family! This trip is very similar to the trip I would be taking with Stampin' Up! in April, but this year I took the cash option and booked a similar trip when my kids would be on Spring Break so we could all enjoy it together! I'm so glad I did that because we have wonderful memories from our trip, but I know it will absolutely kill me next month when all of my Stampin' Up! buddies will be enjoying the cruise! One thing I learned from this trip is that you can travel to amazing and spectacular places all over the world, but nothing is quite as inviting or beautiful as walking through your own front door! Thank you, Stampin' Up!, for a fabulous trip!
Tortula - which was absolutely beautiful!
I could live here!
More beautiful scenery!
My new Rasta friend! I thought he was giving me the peace sign, but I learned later he was asking me for 2 bucks since I took his picture! OOPS!
The Piton Mountains
100% pure cocoa being made! I came home with three of these logs! They're mine, all mine!
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Good for you Penny! I'd love to hear any tips you have for the trip! Looks like you had a great time!
Looks wonderful!
That is great you get a cash option.
LOvely you spent it with your family.
ps Iam Kirsteens Scottish Upline.
Oh my goodness, it looks wonderful. Still cracking up about the $2 peace sign. heh heh
Dawn O., in San Juan we had breakfast at La Bombonera, which is the oldest diner in San Juan! In fact, they're serving coffee from the same coffee maker they used back in 1942! Their pastries were fabulous. It was just something kind of fun to do! I hope you have a great trip!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the trip...and love the 'peace sign' fiasco! Hopefully, you didn't pay up! Great pictures, Penny, but happy you're home, sweet, home...
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Can anyonegive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingplace to buy these? I live in New York and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
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[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
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